And the look of "What?! We didn't do it!"
Our household is full of excitement on a daily basis. Between squeals of great joy and laughter to loud whining and crying, to little tantrums throughout the day. What?! From these little angels? Who would have thought?!
Indeed we are living among the lives of Double And Trouble (they are interchangeable!) And there is no getting around it. Believe me, I have tried and there is simply no where to hide from them.
They are so amazingly cute together when they play nicely and sweetly, but then the screams come from N2 and N1 has a hunk of N2's hair in his very firm grip, with no intentions of letting go. And N2 is screaming bloody murder hoping her heroine, me apparently, will come save her. Meanwhile, she's still screaming and he has gone on to other things. But she is still screaming bloody murder. Hmmm - I knew the 'drama queen' was in her but then a daily stream of excitement I wasn't quite in for. Oh, but what's not to love?!!!?
They have indeed stepped over the threshold of the 'terrible twos'. Toddlerhood itself seems to generate this hunger for power, self indulgence, tantrums and self importance that is a huge learning time for them. But parenthood sometimes seems ill equipped to manage such times as these. What is a parent to do? Love them, pray for sanity, take a chill pill, laugh a lot, and know they will grow out of it sometime down the road of life... We hope...
But despite what does go on in the minds and personalities of a toddler, their spirit is truly precious and a smile maker. Their little brains are working hard at playing, figuring things out, learning cause and effect, finding their voice(s), and hoping some one is taking notice while they extend all of this amazing energy into who they are and will continue to develop to be.
I am always taking notice. I often times just sit in one area of the living room and simply watch each of them play, work, figure out, make decisions, and laugh out loud with pure silliness.
They are intriguing little creatures to behold and one of the many reasons I've always wanted to have my own.
I've always wanted twins. And I was blessed in that area. Now I've never wanted triplets and never thought I could handle it very well if it had happened to me. And when M comes to visit, I need all the help I can get. It takes far too much energy to care for three versus two. And I just don't have that kind of energy to do it alone. Bravo to those who can and do! Not this Momma...
So, Double and Trouble are what keeps me laughing out loud and are reminders of how very blessed I am to get to be their Momma!
I love you, N1 and N2!
Love always, Your Momma!
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