Saturday, March 31, 2007

Getting the Boys

I just love getting each of the boys from their cribs. They usually have a huge smile, a few giggles and for M, he has outstretched arms for me to pick him up. N doesn't do that yet but then he is pretty independent and only needs a hug every so often.

The usual squawks, screams, squirming to get going and tantrum-like behavior always comes in the way of changing their diapers and especially changing their clothes. It cracks me up that this is a daily routine of doing these tasks but for them it's still as if it's the first time. And they just can't stand it. They want to be anywhere but getting changed. So, the drama plays out and we all survive... Especially the boys.

But I wouldn't have it any other way. Well, maybe it would be nice if they just were pleasant during those times too but then I wouldn't have anything to write about.

The journey goes on...