BUT what was I thinking? HUH?! Heaven on earth with three very different kiddles. And two we keep 24/7 ? What on earth was I thinking????!!!! I have to laugh daily just so I can keep my sanity.
Don't get me wrong... I sure love them with all of me, but I don't always like a certain one sometimes. And that would be of the female gender. Lil' Peanut is the cutest thing ever and it's a D***(darn) good thing she is so cute because I'd have to take her out. Take her out is meant with the idea that deep, deep, deep chuckle way down within. But, damn! she is just too cute! Just my luck...
So, I am not unlike any other parent or mother with toddlers, but it sure feels like you're the only one whose kiddles are just out on another planet or stratosphere - whining and crying, repeating things you say, that you shouldn't say. Oops! Letting the world of grocery stores, big brand named stores and restaurant patrons know you are not the best momma. I have finally begun to turn to the folks in my line or looking at me/us and say, 'arent' you glad you're not me right now?' or 'aren't you glad you are past this stage with your kids?' or 'could you just have a bit more sympathy for me by not looking at me?' Okay, so I don't say that last one but I sure would like to some times. I remember (before kiddles) looking at a poor momma and the screaming kid(s) and just giving her a smile that said - 'I'm sorry that this is happening to you at this time. ' Not many folks are willing to do that I have found. Oh well... Such is life. So I guess I would not be a real and authentic human being or momma or parent if I didn't have these issues come up and those feelings of jumping ship every once in a while. Xanax here I come!
Motherhood is joyous and not so. But there is nothing like having kiddles to bring out the best and the worst in you. I laugh as I write these very words!
And yet, I would not, could not change any of it for the world. Oh, those loving little arms, sweet childish kisses, and that unspeakable and adoring way kiddles come running up to you and call out your name... Momma!!!
Lil' Peanut loves to say, "I love you, Momma, too!"
Bug says, "I lwuoovoo you!"
Damn! It's a good thing they are soooooooooo cute and lovable!
PS: pardon the grammatical errors at 11:35pm tonight. I should be sleeping....
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