Sunday, February 22, 2009

Me, The Dogs, and My Other Compadres...

Nate is an animal lover, especially with dogs. He is just so sweet and loving with them, though the dogs don't always know or understand that. But more often than not, most of the dogs let him do what he will with them and then seem to realize it wasn't so bad.

Nate gets so tickled when he sees a dog especially if the dog is willing to chase him around, lick his face and enjoy Nates amount of rambunctiousness.

I loved this threesome of Nate and had meant to frame them. Apparently that never happened so I had to write about it instead. I can't believe these photos were taken in '07. It's just amazing how quickly time has passed and how much Nate has grown since then.

Despite the foreboding events of the said terrible twos, there is also so much learning, silliness, joy, and great fun during this time. I have actually loved this period despite some rough bumps, and some screaming, yelling and laughing moments.

There still is nothing like this time. It is just a learning experience for all involved. And I know I would not change any of it. Well, okay, I guess I would change a few things but they are minor and thus don't really matter in the scheme of things.

One other thing, the greatest experience is having three very different kiddles at the same age, showing me how much each is truly an individual and each has different needs and has different desires. But the one main thing they all have in common is that they just want to be loved. And with that - I have more love than I could have ever imagined for just one much less three kiddles.

Thank you Nate, Nattie AND Matthew for letting Daddy and I to love you all together and individually. We could never have imagined that you three would make up our family let alone our hearts. Thank you to each of you. I will always love you - Your Momma