Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Where Has My House Gone?

Yikes! Well, I obviously did not include a photo of the condition of our home. Yes, it is a home and it is comfortable except for the messes that are strewn about in every direction.

I have become lazy with cleaning my house. Why wouldn't I? I'd rather be playing, taking care of, rocking, strolling, laughing with my kids than having to clean the stinky bathroom, pick up the piles in each room and be orderly about my home life. Okay, that is not entirely true but I seem to have lost the ambition to keep a clean house now that I have the excuse of kiddles. And it seems to work but I realize it's got to change at some point. I mean the messy house syndrome will not hold up when they are away at college and I have nothing to do but time on my hands...

So I have resolved to picking up my life and my house so it is much less cluttered and more livable and less stress-filled. But darn life just seems to get in the way and it all gets away from me before I realize I had those extra moments to pick up that pile or those piles or that table or that bedroom. It kind of is sounding like a New Year Resolution. It probably was once upon a time, but now it's just a constant reminder of what I have no desire to do in the already short hours of a day.

Oh, well!

Life goes on and as long as my husband and kids are getting the attention they deserve and need from me, then my job is done. So, the house will have to wait when those inspirational moments to clean come crashing down on me.

Oh, the job of a momma. Cleaning. So not fun. Luckily I have a husband that is wonderful and a huge helper but also lets this area be an oversight and not a point of contention.

I sure love you, my hunna!

Thank you for putting up with me every single day...


Michael Hayes said...

Put up with you?!? You're welcome. But I think you put up with me. Your time and love is much more important than a dust-free environment! [grin]